Too many toys affect the development of a child .

Too many toys affect the development of a child .

Toys are the most attractive objects that every child loves to play. Those objects can play a different role in a child’s life for example toy cars can become their dream to buy a car, dolls can be their dream to look beautiful etc. But as parents, we need to limit the purchase of toys for a child. The reason is that it will hinder their focus on playing with one toy. Secondly, ready-made toys will affect the creativity of a child and slow down their problem-solving process of thinking. If a child has too many toys, then they will not be able to give attention to one and they will quickly jump off to another toy which means when they grow up also if they have too many options related to career or studies, they will be very imbalanced while taking decisions.


Toys can lead to instant gratification which means the child immediately becomes happy when they get their favourite toys so when they grow up, they have chances to inherit stubborn personalities within their inner self. The advertisement about the toys will increase the tendency of a child that happiness and success can only find through materialistic things. Then when a child goes to any play area and plays with another child they tend to compare with a child’s toys this lead to a notion of accumulation of so many toys. Lastly, if parents themselves give so many toys to a child then a sense of separation from the real-world decrease and connection with the materialistic world increase.


Therefore, parents should buy toys for children which attach meaningful lessons or moral values for a child. Encourage imaginative and open-ended play that doesn’t rely solely on toys. Set limits on the number of toys and prioritize quality over quantity. Teach children about gratitude and the value of non-material experiences. Foster a sense of empathy and compassion through acts of kindness and generosity.