

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nutritional Practices in Parents and Offspring.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nutritional Practices in Parents and Offspring.

Nutritional practices in parents and offspring play a pivotal role in shaping the health and well-being of individuals and communities. These practices can have both advantages and disadvantages, influencing not only immediate health but also long-term outcomes.   Parents who maintain a nutritious diet before and during pregnancy provide essential nutrients for the developing fetus, […]

Building strong interpersonal relationship at work

Building strong interpersonal relationship at work

In today’s dynamic and collaborative work environments, fostering strong interpersonal relationships is crucial for personal growth, team success, and overall job satisfaction. Building meaningful connections with colleagues not only enhances productivity but also creates a positive and harmonious atmosphere. Here are some essential tips for cultivating robust interpersonal relationships in the workplace:   Clear and […]

Authoritative parenting is the best parenting styles, research says here is why?

Authoritative parenting is the best parenting styles, research says here is why?

It is rightly said that “children are like the mirrors reflecting the values and actions of their parents “.  Let’s discuss different styles of parenting and understand the consequences of each of them on the development of a child. There are four types of parenting permissive, Authoritative, Authoritarian, and uninvolved. The parenting styles evolve from […]

Balancing breastfeeding while working

Balancing breastfeeding while working

Breastfeeding and work are two essential aspects of a woman’s life that often intersect. Balancing the demands of work while continuing to breastfeed can be challenging, but it’s crucial to support breastfeeding mothers in the workplace. It is essential to have supportive workplace policies that accommodate breastfeeding mothers, such as providing lactation rooms, flexible work […]

Teaching failure to your child

Teaching failure to your child

As parents we always want to see our kids succeed in life, but what we forget while accomplishing our mission to make them successful, is teaching them about failure. But how do we do that? The experts at We Positive Parenting, parent child counselling services in Ahmedabad, believe that parents should make their kids understand […]